Ustawa o zwrocie osobom fizycznym niektórych wydatków związanych z budownictwem mieszkaniowym
Umowy o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania
Podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych
Posting an employee to work abroad is subject to special legal regulations and requires completion of many complex formalities.
The MMB Kancelaria will lead your company through subsequent stages of the procedure and prepare the documentation required by law, as well as tax settlement related to the posting of employees, especially in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Germany, as well as France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
MMB The office also deals with the settlement of foreigners delegated to work in Poland.
In particular, as part of the services rendered, we offer:
- comprehensive tax and legal consultancy in the field of remuneration, taxes and ZUS in Poland
- preparation of full documentation for persons providing cross-border services
- establishment of a tax bet - where to pay the payroll tax
- monitoring the period of work in the country to which the employee is posted
- analysis of the 183 days rule for income tax (tax residence)
- calculation of the payroll tax paid in Poland
- assessment of whether the entity meets the cri-teria for posting employees in the field of social security regulations
- reporting and de-registering and reporting chan-ges in the data of employees, contractors and payer in ZUS, settlement of ZUS contributions